Monday, October 23, 2017

I have missed you all....

My words.

Try as I might, I am unable to sit still long enough to let the words pour out of my fingertips into text.  The words, and the thoughts that cause them to rise up, are coming fast and furious...too fast for my fingers to respond. Yet when I try to slow them enough to allow them to flow into a state of visibility, they seem illusive and hesitant. 

I wonder aloud if they are just too sensitive, or shy, to be written, as if they perhaps don’t want to be captured and memorialized.  But then I suppose that could not be the case, since they return often and flow so easily in dialogue.  The words are comfortably there in conversations with my spouse and with my good friends.  They are honest and heartfelt.  They are intended for truth telling and soul-healing for both others and myself.

Then I realize that my thoughts, and ensuing words, are really just being selectively introverted and only coming out in the presence of people they know and trust.  They present themselves in dialogue even with people who have caused pain.  It seems that my words have no problem at all sitting with others, but are skeptical of the safety of full disclosure to those that they might not know.  Once written, the words lose sight of the audience, forever having lost control of the message. 

I remind them that once released in dialogue, they have been discovered and pulled from hiding already.  Therefore I will write.

Namaste' - Michelle


Self-care In Order To Be Self-less

Do you constantly find yourself with very little time for taking care of yourself?  Do you always put others ahead of yourself?  When was th...